Brief History of Holy Immanuel C.N.I Church

Two friends accidentally meet on their way to work on Mumbai western local. While discussing and renewing their friendship they talked about prayer meetings also. One man was Mr. George Cherian, who works for Mazagoan Docks, and other was Mr. Koshy M. Koshykunj, who works at YMCA.

Suddenly a thought came to Mr. Koshy, why can’t we have our own prayer meetings here in Vasai instead of going all the way to Parel church, where they worship. It takes full day of Sunday to go, worship, and come back home. A full day, which is the only day to be with friends and family. I agreed, had some training in taking prayer meetings at Parel worshipping center.

We started with a small gathering at Mr. Isaac uncle’s house at Panchal Nagar, Vasai West. He was glad to agree for the gathering and aunty was happy to serve us snacks and coffee. It was lent period. We used to gather on Friday evening. We used to sing and read bible and pray on different subjects. Later the gathering of believers grew and needed a larger space.

Well, I had my stocks of preaching coming to less words and I realized I need a different preacher. Thus, I met more talented person like Mr. Kurian, Chief engineer in Air India. He led the crowd for a long time.

Later a thought came to the Committee of Church of St. Mary the Virgin Parel decided to send the Vicar of Parel Church to lead the believers in spiritual meetings and have Holy Communion in Vasai itself. It leads to the present Church of Holy Immanuel,

All these are happened from 1984.

The C.S.I. members who are residing at the western suburb of Mumbai, especially those who are between Mira Road and Virar started a prayer group in 1988 at Vasai. As the members of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin Mal. Congregation, Parel, they found it difficult to commute to such a long distance with family every Sunday for worship. In 1990 the Prayer Group become a worship centre of St. Mary the Virgin Mal. Parel. Mr. T.C. Issac was the convener of Vasai Worshipping Centre till 1992 and later Mr. M.S. Kunjumon and Anil P Varghese were become conveners. Mr. V.K.Itty from Borivili, Mr. C.T.Thomas from Andheri were the lay leaders in leading the worship service. Rev. T.C. George & Rev. N.V.George help us in conducting the Holy Communion Service. Rev. Roy Varghese helped in celebrating the Communion Service from 1995 to 2001.  We used to conduct the worship at St. Peters School at Vishwakarma, later to Dewanman and in 1995 shifted to St. Thomas Marthoma Church till 2008. During the year 2001 to 2004 the annual get together and watchnight service held at Vasant Nagari Community Hall, in between in one year we held the annual get together at Maharashtra English School, Stella.

In the year 2004-05 on wards till 2008 it was held at BKS English High School.

In the meantime, the Parish Committee of St. Mary the Virgin Mal. Cong, with a vision of social work bought a piece of land at Vasai in 1989 under Shalom Charitable Trust. Due to the condition of the plot and the riddles to overcome with Govt. authorities the plot could not get converted in to a useful place till 2007. On 7th January 2007 we started the construction of a building at that piece of land, the foundation stone laid by Rt. Rev. S.B. Joshua, Rtd Bishop of Bombay Diocese and it completed in April 2008. On 19th April 2008 the building dedicated, by Rt. Rev. Thomas Samuel Bishop of MKD along with Rt. Rev. S.B. Joshua retired Bishop of Bombay Diocese and Rt. Rev. George Issac, retried Bishop of CSI North Kerala Diocese as a worshiping place for the Vasai Worshiping Centre.

On the 78th year of the formation of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Malayalam Congregation, the members of Vasai Worshipping Centre, prayerfully expressed their desire to form an independent Parish. Consequently, in the AGM of the Mother Church held on 3rd July, 2011, the members unanimously approved the proposal to bifurcate the worshiping centre as separate Parish, by passing an appropriate resolution in this respect. The resolution was forward to the Bishop of the Bombay Diocese, CNI for consideration. The matter was discussed before the BDC in its Council held on 11 to 12th November, 2011 and approved the Parish named as Holy Immanuel Church, Vasai under the Diocese of Bombay, CNI effective from 1st April 2012. On Sunday15th April, 2012, our Bishop Rt. Rev. Prakash D Patole visited Vasai and dedicated the new Parish. We are one of the seven C.N.I   Malayalam Parishes in Mumbai.

  Name Year
Presbyter in charge Rev. David Gabriel 2001-2005
Associate Priest Rev. Alpha J Varghese 2004-2005
Presbyter in charge Rev. Alpha J Varghese 2005-2007
Associate Priest Rev. C.M.Eapen 2005-2008
Presbyter in Charge Rev. Shaji K George 2007-2010
Presbyter in Charge Rev. Robin Iype Mathew 2010-2012
Associate Priest Rev. Happy Abraham 2008-2009
Associate Priest Rev. Aji Samuel 2009-2012
Presbyter in Charge Rev. Sam Joshua 2012 – 2019